Get Ahead of Construction Season. Order Today.

The inventory you need to win the fibre race

Construction season has begun, and incentives continue emerging across Europe for network operators to make Gigabit broadband connectivity available as quickly as possible. This means the race to deploy FTTH networks is on.

Will you be leading the market and deploying fibre faster this construction season, or will you be left playing catch up? The answer comes down to readiness.

CommScope is now shipping a range of fibre networking and connectivity products with favourable lead times that can help keep your deployment plans on track. Whether you need enclosures, fibre cables, non-hardened terminals, ODF or MFPS solutions, CommScope's network experts are standing by to help you order the supplies you need.

Don’t wait for the rest of the industry to place their orders ahead of you.

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Building on almost 30 years of innovation and industry leadership, TENIO closures enable 30-percent faster, future-proof network deployments in 30-percent less space. The closure’s 100-percent mechanical, tool-less and intuitive design facilitates lower-skilled network deployments. Designed for use with various cable constructions, the closures deploy in any environment (aerial, pedestal, handhole, manhole).

• Tool-less and easy installation
• Easy on-going maintenance by less technical workforce
• Ideal for above and underground deployments
• Fibre management proven track record in the networks
• Cable construction independent
• True IP 68 due to patented sealing technology.
• Reduce TCO with unique and superior sealing performance

Explore the TENIO portfolio


Fibre Cables Portfolio

As a global leader in fibre optics, CommScope designs and manufactures a comprehensive line of fibre optic cables—from outside plant to indoor/outdoor and fire-rated indoor fibre cables. We offer high-performance fibre cable designs that meet or exceed industry standards. Our fibre-optic cable is available in central tube, loose tube and ribbon constructions with industry-leading single mode and multi-mode fibre.

Discover More



BUDI Portfolio

For almost two decades BUDI has been using a well-known system- FIST. What makes it stand out? Its simplicity, that not only makes it easy to use but also requires limited training. Its modularity and configurability are other key features of the entire BUDI portfolio. With our ever-evolving BUDI portfolio you can:

  • Order several configurable parts
  • Benefit from exchangeable trays and ports
  • Optical components can be built in
  • Easy installment
  • Upgrade as-you-go
  • Request for fully equipped kits that are adapted to your needs



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